PCAC serves residents of St. Louis City and Wellston who are at 125% poverty level or below with direct and referral programs. Read more about our services by exploring below.
An in-depth assessment of each family member in order to best serve the entire family unit.
All ages. Emergency food at every location as well as opportunities for clothing and other daily living items.
Provides a series of classes including communication skills, healthy living and nutrition, budgeting, basic computer technology, HiSET preparation, job search and job retention, energy conservation, financial literacy and much more.
We provide support for all life barriers keeping them from accomplishing their goals in life.
Participants learn effective communication, self-awareness, and stress management to prevent anger outbursts in a supportive environment.
A job readiness training program to help prepare youth and adults (16-24 years of age) to obtain employment and acquire marketable skills.